Les 100 Ciels Blog

A journey to Marrakesh

A journey to Marrakesh

This week, Camilla, our Commercial & E-Commerce Assistant, is our guest blogger, sharing with us her recent trip to Morocco:  The juxtaposition between utter madness and totally serenity. For many travellers, the ancient city of Marrakesh (often Marrakech) is the first stop on a journey through Morocco and an absolute “must see” destination. Surrounded by the often snow-capped High Atlas Mountains, this bustling metropolitan oasis has everything a traveller could want, from crowded markets (souks) to narrow streets, where history literally comes alive around every corner. A few minutes in the Red city (named so for the red colour of the earth used for its walls) are enough to make you realise you have entered a different world. In Marrakesh there are many ways of either getting lost or finding oneself: in the streets and curves of the medina quarter, the flavours of traditional food cooked in tagines, the beauty of temple doors, the freshness of the gardens and the surprises of the ancient Moorish culture. A labyrinth of aromas and colours The history is present in the Medina of Marrakesh, a UNESCO heritage site, and it is really easy to get lost in this labyrinth of old buildings, crowded markets ...
by Les 100 Ciels Team on May 03, 2018
Les 100 Ciels Neighbourhood: Marylebone

Les 100 Ciels Neighbourhood: Marylebone

Just north of our flagship store in St Christopher’s Place and south of Regents Park is the pretty and peaceful Marylebone neighbourhood, characterized by white stone buildings and family-owned patisseries.  Full of charm and intimacy with terraced Georgian and Edwardian townhouses, independent boutiques and trendy cafes and restaurants, this little pearl maintains a cosy village vibe, attracting visitors from all walks of life. The backbone of the area is the bustling Marylebone High Street, where a casual stroll and window-shopping excursion will always lead to new discoveries. Spilling outwards from the high street are a number of smaller, trendy streets including Chiltern Street, an up and coming dining and shopping destination. If you like a vibrant and unique experience, read on and fall in love with our selection of the best Marylebone galleries, cafés and exhibitions! Marylebone Farmers market Every Sunday this stunning market attracts London’s foodies with a choice of more than 30 stalls. There’s always something new to find as the seasons change, from oysters for breakfast to excellent cuts of meat. For those who have time to explore a bit further, Marylebone Road will lead you to Alfie’s Antique Market on Church Street, where you can uncover some gorgeous items- and don’t miss its hidden terrace café, ...
by Les 100 Ciels Team on April 18, 2018
What to do this Easter

What to do this Easter

Easter is just around the corner, where we’re treated to not one, but two whole days off from work (Friday March 30 – Monday April 2 2018). With such festivity comes the opportunity to eat good food, see family and friends and – perhaps best of all – a four-day weekend! With festive events happening all weekend long, there’s plenty of fun for you and your family in London and abroad- from egg hunts to whimsical tea to interactive exhibits…So while you could lounge around and treat yourself to chocolate for four days (which sounds great by the way), if you want to be a bit more active, here’s our suggestions for getting out and about this Easter! St Pancras International Station-Wide Easter Chicks  A family of Easter chicks take over St Pancras station, hiding within their feathers special codes with  discounts for shoppers to hunt down. The chicks will be hidden around several of the station’s stores. If you manage to find one, simply quote the code at the till to claim a special prize, such as a free lunch or giveaways. Visit St Pancras’ website  for more information. From the 26th March- 2nd April Themed afternoon tea If your kids aren’t addicted to ...
by Les 100 Ciels Team on March 15, 2018
What to do for mum

What to do for mum

We always feel like Mother’s Day sneaks up on us before we even know it. But it’s definitely not a holiday to leave to the last minute when it comes to gift shopping. Your Mum—who knows you best out of almost anyone—will be able to tell if you picked up a last-minute present on the way to brunch anyway! But we’re also willing to bet that’s part of what makes it so hard to find just the right thing for her when her special day comes around. You want to find something she’ll use all the time, but it can’t be strictly utilitarian—you want to find something with a sentimental spin, too. But overthinking it is only going to make the whole process harder… and before you know it, it’ll be the day before Mother’s Day and you’ll still be empty-handed. With Mother’s day just around the corner is important to think special. Something she can indulge in. Something she can enjoy time and time again. So with that in mind, we’re here to help you find the perfect present for her. After all, our Mums really do deserve the best!   Pablo Cashmere poncho A staff favourite, this beautiful 100% ...
by Les 100 Ciels Team on February 20, 2018
Love through the centuries

Love through the centuries

Love songs, poems, ballets, plays, sculptures, paintings, holidays, the world is strewn with the artefacts of intense romantic love.  Love is a powerful emotion. It can build us up, and tear us apart, but where would we be without it? Through the centuries the word “Love” evolved significantly, beginning with the ancient Greeks’ recognition of the need to describe more than one kind of love, inventing the word “eros” to describe carnal love, and “agape” to mean a spiritual love. In ancient times, marriages were primarily a business relationship or political alliance and according to an old French custom, the spouses had to drink a brew called “metheglin”, which was made from honey, to celebrate their union. Hence, we got the word “Honey moon”! During Medieval times, the importance of love in a relationship emerged as a reaction to arranged marriages, but was still not considered a prerequisite in matrimonial decisions. Suitors wooed their intended with serenades and flowery poetry, following the lead of lovelorn characters on stage and in verse. During the Victorian Era, romantic love became viewed as the primary requirement for marriage and courting became even more formal – almost an art form among the upper classes. And from there ...
by Les 100 Ciels Team on February 05, 2018
Wellbeing after winter holidays

Wellbeing after winter holidays

The New Year stands before us like a fresh chapter in a book.     Once you’re done with your year-end reflections, it’s time to look forward to the year that’s about to start. It’s a new year, 2018, a fresh start, a chance and a very good reason to make changes in all areas of our lives. The New Year can be an exciting time, brimming with the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s also an opportunity to recommit to your health and well-being. Too much champagne, chocolate truffles and turkey over the Christmas period can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Now is your chance to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make, and to treat yourself with a little salutary break after the yea-end excesses.  The New Year is also the perfect opportunity for all those who have failed to start making the changes they said they would make last week, last month, or perhaps much longer than that! Here are some New year’s resolutions to consider to help you reach your goals, take care of your body and prioritise your mental wellbeing in 2018… Travel more 2018 ...
by Les 100 Ciels Team on January 10, 2018